
AddictionCounselorsUSA is a new website designed to help families to connect with addiction counseling providers and therapists. Founders Marty and Sue Dickinson have been married for 23 years and have two children and are all too familiar with so called “addiction challenges.” They were high school sweethearts in the graduating class of ’84, went through college together and are still married, in love, and even in business together. Yes, it IS possible in this day and age!

Marty Dickinson is co-author of Web Marketing All-in-One for Dummies (currently in bookstores around the world). He has been a full-time web marketer for 16 years and manages nearly 100 of his own websites. After launching his first of many niche-focused  directory style websites in 1996, he started a web services company called HereNextYear.com. Today the HereNextYear team creates, designs and develops custom WordPress websites for speakers, authors, and business owners around the world.

Sue Dickinson is author of What’s a Mom to Do – Overcoming the Urge to Put Your Life on Hold (currently out-of print) and works in the corporate banking and lending field. In her spare time, she manages most email communications with the Addiction Counselors USA members and edits profile content.

Together, Marty and Sue aim to combine their communication skills with Internet marketing savvy to expand the web presence of participating addiction counselors.