Delray Beach Florida Addiction Counselor John Davis
John Davis is an addiction counselor serving southeast Florida. John frequently gives public workshops on living life after recovery. John’s focus is to help addicts through their addiction issues and workplace challenges using clinical hypnosis, cognitive behavioral and psychodynamic psychotherapy.
Saugus Massachusetts Addiction Counselor Annemarie Santangelo
The Personal Growth Center, Annemarie Santangelo, Clinical Director, and staff of professional clinicians will empower you to…improve your thinking, thus improve your life! With a vast range of expertise, we provide the best possible mental health counseling to best meet the needs of individuals, couples and families. Our practical, effective skills will help to make the REST OF YOUR LIFE, THE BEST OF YOUR LIFE: mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.
Show Low Arizona Addiction Counselor Andre Rousseau, Psy.D.
Dr. Andre Rousseau, Psy.D. is a Clinical Psychologist and an Addiction Counselor/Supervisor serving Show Low, Arizona and neighboring communities in Navajo and Apache Counties, since 1999. He also does distance counseling by telephone or online, as needed. A native of France, trained in Chicago, Illinois, (where he practiced from 1984 through 1999), he favors such approaches as NLP, EMDR, Sleep and Dream techniques, Deep Relaxation, RET, DBT, Age Regression and others, to help addiction sufferers to understand and cope with their condition.
Modesto California Addiction Counselor Lynn Telford-Sahl, M.A. Psychology, C.A.C.
Lynn Telford-Sahl is an addiction counselor in Modesto, part of California’s Central Valley since 1991. Her book Intentional JOY: How to Turn Stress, Fear & Addiction into Freedom provides inspiring stories and practical strategies to heal trauma and create a “pause” button for addictive behaviors. Lynn’s compassionate, empowering approach creates hope and accountability in the recovery process.
Bethel Park Addiction Counselor Stephen Luther
Grace Wellness Center is a group practice where our counselors all incorporate a faith based counseling approach with sound clinical practice. Our goal is to help people be emotionally, relationally and spiritually healthy. We also have counselors that specialize in addiction counseling. We offer counseling in many convenient locations throughout Western PA and accept most insurance plans.
Greensburg Pennsylvania Addiction Counselor Lorin Zimmerman
Grace Wellness Center is a group practice where our counselors all incorporate a faith based counseling approach with sound clinical practice. Our goal is to help people be emotionally, relationally and spiritually healthy. We also have counselors that specialize in addiction counseling. We offer counseling in many convenient locations throughout Western PA and accept most insurance plans.
New Kensington Addiction Counselor Beth Allen
Grace Wellness Center is a group practice where our counselors all incorporate a faith based counseling approach with sound clinical practice. Our goal is to help people be emotionally, relationally and spiritually healthy. We also have counselors that specialize in addiction counseling. We offer counseling in many convenient locations throughout Western PA and accept most insurance plans.
New Kensington Pennsylvania Addiction Counselor Nicole Dericks
Grace Wellness Center is a group practice where our counselors all incorporate a faith based counseling approach with sound clinical practice. Our goal is to help people be emotionally, relationally and spiritually healthy. We also have counselors that specialize in addiction counseling. We offer counseling in many convenient locations throughout Western PA and accept most insurance plans.
Greenfield Pennsylvania Addiction Counselor Beth Allen
Grace Wellness Center is a group practice where our counselors all incorporate a faith based counseling approach with sound clinical practice. Our goal is to help people be emotionally, relationally and spiritually healthy. We also have counselors that specialize in addiction counseling. We offer counseling in many convenient locations throughout Western PA and accept most insurance plans.
Greenfield Pennsylvania Addiction Counselor Dr. David Posipanka
Grace Wellness Center is a group practice where our counselors all incorporate a faith based counseling approach with sound clinical practice. Our goal is to help people be emotionally, relationally and spiritually healthy. We also have counselors that specialize in addiction counseling. We offer counseling in many convenient locations throughout Western PA and accept most insurance plans.