Grace Wellness Center is a group practice where our counselors all incorporate a faith based counseling approach with sound clinical practice. Our goal is to help people be emotionally, relationally and spiritually healthy. We also have counselors that are trained to deal with addiction and addiction problems. We offer counseling in many convenient locations throughout Western PA and accept most insurance plans.
City: Irwin
State: Pennsylvania
Specialties: Gambling, sex, alcohol, drugs, and we work in conjunction with suboxone clinics
Credentials: Licensed professional counselor
Office Location: 8320 Pennsylvania Ave, North Huntingdon PA
Cross Streets: Rt. 30
Travel Distance: We have locations convenient to most clients
Language: English
Treatment Approach: Christian Counseling
Insurance: UPMC, Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield, Aetna, Gateway, UMPC for You, Unison,
Payment Terms: $85 for in person counseling, $60 for phone and web counseling
State: Pennsylvania
Specialties: Gambling, sex, alcohol, drugs, and we work in conjunction with suboxone clinics
Credentials: Licensed professional counselor
Office Location: 8320 Pennsylvania Ave, North Huntingdon PA
Cross Streets: Rt. 30
Travel Distance: We have locations convenient to most clients
Language: English
Treatment Approach: Christian Counseling
Insurance: UPMC, Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield, Aetna, Gateway, UMPC for You, Unison,
Payment Terms: $85 for in person counseling, $60 for phone and web counseling