Pleasant Grove Utah Addiction Counselor Dr. Marco Juracan

Pleasant Grove Utah Addiction Counselor Dr. Marco Juracan   Launch Map

Dr. Juracan has been working in the field of addiction for over 10 years. He specializes in treating painkiller/opiate addiction as well as pornography/sex addiction. He is a highly sought-after speaker and presenter for professionals wanting to understand the disease of addiction and how to best help clients recover.

City: Pleasant Grove
State: Utah
Client Focus: Adults
Specialties: Opiate / Painkiller Addiction, Alcohol Addiction, Pornography addiction, Sex addiction. Individuals, Groups, Couples Therapy.
Credentials: Doctor of Psychology / LPC
Office Location: Pleasant Grove
Cross Streets: State Street and 1000 South in Pleasant Grove
Travel Distance: No travel.
Language: English
Treatment Approach: Psychoanalytic, Person Centered, CBT
Insurance: Most Insurances accepted
Payment Terms: $125 per session

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